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An Educational Trench




You all know the usual excuses about how long it is since the last post so won't repeat them here! There are things going on but at an admittedly slower rate than previously. One thing that I have been meaning to do for ages is an educational aid - something to more adequately explain what all the stuff going past on the trucks is for. Some of it is rather too obvious but trench building materials......
So here it is - my mini, cutaway trench showing A frames, duck boards, revetments and associated wiring.




I have a horrible feeling that it may be three years since I started, and quite quickly, almost finished the Alco 2-6-2. It has appeared on the layout many times but only as an otherwise little known 0-6-0 version. Well, at long last I have managed to fit the missing wheels and what is more they seem to be staying on the track.




One of the other things that is helping the Alco stay on the track is that I removed the lead that I rather over enthusiastically put in the coal bunker thus unbalancing it . This was not then helped by the white metal figure in the cab. I had picked up some Modelu 3d printed figures at ScaleForum the other day and it was time to paint them as they will be so much lighter. Once again I seem to be much better at painting the backs than the fronts!




There is much action behind the scenes and excitement as a joint project with Simon, building on Mike's coupling design should shortly be coming to fruition hopefully VERY soon as want them in place for next show in Welshpool October 27th, and then perfectly fettled for our biggest adventure yet to Belfast November 10th and then to biggest show at Warley, NEC November 24th and 25th.
More on this when I am sure they work and if they don't you must forget I ever mentioned them.


In other slow burning news.


The pantograph milling machine which I have had for nearly a year has taken a massive leap forward. Having finally reconstructed it a couple of months ago (it is REALLY heavy!), I have now worked out how to turn it on! How was I to know there was a master switch on the fuse box? I know have some suitable cutters and engraving brass but only have to work out how to fit the drive belt.


The induction soldering iron I got four months ago is still unused - I have to make a return plate first which isn't difficult but but must admit to being a bit intimidated by the rather imposing box. Have not really really had any projects on the go which have required either yet but all that will change soon - just as soon as I manage to create a bit more time!

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