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Fingers crossed




I'm at it again. Lots of thought has been given to operating a small layout, I am determined to have a loop for shunting wagons. My latest plan is shown on the left and was created with Anyrail software.(Clicking any of the images will enlarge them). The photo below shows progress to-date. Essentially there is a single running line with a loop and 3 sidings for; coal (or special wagons), arrivals to the store and a departures/storage siding.




Part of the thinking is to operate as a standalone board with small locos plus 3 or 4 wagons and also to use 'scenic' fiddlesticks (ground textures and backscene) to allow the use of longer locos when space permits. Currently my effort is concentrating on the loop and points, they've been assembled with rail joiners and lightly soldered. I'm trying to decide if re-spacing sleepers on the plain track is worthwhile.
This layout is aimed at shunting BR goods wagons from the 60's and early 70's including the odd gunpowdervan and palvan. Couplings will most likely be modified tension locks to the Brian Kirby method.
All comments welcomed




I'm delighted to be making progress. Both children have left home and redecorating/re-furnishing the largest spare room as a proper guest room then released the smallest bedroom as a 'Train' room. I've installed a pasting table (modified with longer leg braces to get it flat) and making genuine progress. This link shows testing with a Black Beetle motor bogie and a 9V battery to check rail joints/track alignment/electrical continuity.





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I've been working on a nano layout and I'm pleased with recent progress. Following the early structural bit I've now had a few pleasant evenings doing the creative textures bit, the Woodland Scenics plaster rock worked especially well.



nano layout.jpg

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I've been making this in 2 parts, mainly to keep the backscene clean and it certainly made ballasting easier.


Nano 5.jpg

Nano 6.jpg

Nano 7.jpg

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