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Building On My Gatorboard T-Trak Module



Wow, doesn't time fly?


Back in January I wrote my first post about how I built a light-weight and relatively cheap T-Trak module using Gatorboard. Since then almost three months have passed but in that time I've finally decided what to model and have actually made a start.


So what did I chose to build on my first module?

After weeks of deliberation, trying to decide whether to create a river bridge scene, a US rail-served industrial building, a city scene or a road bridge, I can now announce the winning idea is a Berlin Stadtbahn scene.


More specifically, I've chosen to model this view down Universitätsstraße.


It’s going to be quite a project but I like to throw myself in the deep-end. :blink: 

I’ve always wanted to create a European city scene having been inspired by the Cross Street layout of David Lund, the exhibition layout Schwungischerplatz and the scratch-built card and plastic building models of Grahame here on RMWeb.


I have to admit it won’t be a prototypical model as I’ll be taking some liberties with the buildings in the scene. The coffee shop on the right is staying but I’ve found another building I want to put in the foreground on the left and also on either side of the road behind the tracks.


Here’s a map of the scene with T-Trak module sized overlays; Universitätsstraße is on the right:




I’ve transferred a rough plan to the surface of the Gatorboard and can confirm everything I want to include fits on the module.


I’m currently creating scale drawings of the roads, pavements and buildings before I start cutting and assembling.

Watch this space for progress reports and photographs…


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