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A rockface diorama - part 2 - Adding ground cover



The fun bit begins. After giving the areas I want to be grassed a generous but even coating of neat pva an initial layer of short static grass fibres is applied with a Greenscenes Flockit applicator. The fibres are Greenscenes Spring Green (short). These will be overlaid with longer fibres once dry.





As you can see in this low angle shot, there are a few longer fibres mixed in with the short ones. These were probably a result of not cleaning the applicator thoroughly from its last use, oops! But it all helps to add variety. You can also see that fibres get into places you don't want them, such as on the edges of rocks and crevices. These will be cleaned up later once the rest has dried by vacuuming and scraping with a cocktail stick to tidy things up.




Before moving onto the next stage a few tufts of long grasses are placed into crevices to add some interest.





After waiting 24 hours for everything to thoroughly dry the whole scene will be given a good vacuuming and brushing to remove stray fibres ready for applying more.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Mick Bonwick said:

What did you use for the long grass, Nick?


Not entirely sure Mick, It was in an unmarked plastic zip bag but I think it is Woodland Scenics field grass. I've had it for years.

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