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Brake van spruce up



Hi All, 


As i continue to be on a very infrequent work rota i have checked off quite of few of those not so glamorous jobs i have been meaning to do for...well years really. One of my lock down foci have been a coupe of my kit-built brake vans. One of these was the very first kit i built on my "pre-return" to the hobby. i say pre-return as i had no layout, no prospect of a layout and to be honest i didn't really get back into the hobby for a further 6 or so years after i built it. 


Anyway, it was looking quite tatty so i took the chance to do a slight make over of this and a couple of other kits. 




So here it is prior to a spruce up. The paint has chipped away as this vehicle sees a lot of work on the layout. It has also been battered about in storage no doubt and in my naivety, i don't recall priming the kit before painting and i also think i used acrylic paint. 




I kept the lamp irons as per the moulding which are quite bulky. I didn't glaze the windows either. 




One of the brackets had broken and the roof appears quite thick. Also, i now realise the roof mouldings is a mirror image of the real thing. soooo....




A new roof was made from 0.3mm styrene, styrene strips for rain strips and plastic rod for the chimney. vents are the torpedo type by no-nonsense kits (phoenix). Lamp brackets were cut as one piece from styrene which i know makes them vulnerable but i didn't have any brass ones in the box! Glazing is fitted to the windows using clear plastic from packaging. The underframe was painted humbrol 32 dark grey and weathered with carr's weathering powders. I also replaced the spratt and winkle dropper, previously a staple with 2 three links, the bottom one a magnetic one. 


Similar work was done to my unfitted version...



A later project, a bit more prototypical, is my LNER standard brake van kit bash from the kitmaster kit. I have previously made a scratch roof but it was too small so that was replaced also. This vehicle has some more detailed underframe parts in the form of styrene footboards, styrene strengthening braces, and the end weights have been removed. This vehicle still requires weathering and new lamp irons. 



In addition to these "keeping out of trouble" projects, i have also painted and placed a modelu guard in the veranda of my recent Dapol LMS brakevan face lift. i shy away from figures on the layout but i think this one does bring some life to the model. 



Hope you are all safe and well and making the most of these strangest of times. 




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You make these Dapol brake van kits look so good, I have built a couple so far and struggle with the finer details, really like the roofs, I think i need to take more time on models, i have a tendancey to rush through things. Lovely modelling.

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17 hours ago, down the sdjr said:

You make these Dapol brake van kits look so good, I have built a couple so far and struggle with the finer details, really like the roofs, I think i need to take more time on models, i have a tendancey to rush through things. Lovely modelling.

Thank SDJR!


I love the Dapol brake van kit. it's cheap and It's so ripe for improvements which can be done at virtually no expense (which is one of my primary motivators!!). 


Yes, i too have a lack of patience when it comes to wanting things done. I find painting and weathering to be the most challenging in terms of taking my time and waiting for layers to dry etc. I enjoy these small projects because there is an end in sight from the outset and i am so familiar with the Dapol kit it is like and old friend!


I have one waiting in the wings and hope to improve it further by using my own 3d printed replacement inner end. 




Cheers for now.

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Those 3d prints will get rid of the round mould marks on the kit ends. I am going to try making my own roofs, the originals are too thick and never seem to sit flush, i have tried sanding them and its better, but not perfect.

I also try to scribe in the planking near the duckett that seems to be miss moulded.

Have you done the Dapol lowmac? i find the wheels are a really bad fit on them / out of square and derail a lot.


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21 hours ago, down the sdjr said:

Those 3d prints will get rid of the round mould marks on the kit ends. I am going to try making my own roofs, the originals are too thick and never seem to sit flush, i have tried sanding them and its better, but not perfect.

I also try to scribe in the planking near the duckett that seems to be miss moulded.

Have you done the Dapol lowmac? i find the wheels are a really bad fit on them / out of square and derail a lot.



Yes, if i did nothing else to the kit, a new roof would be essential. I haven's mastered the technique yet as i get puckering along the sides where i perhaps haven't sanded enough. 


No, the lowmac is one i am yet to do. I did the JCB intended to be paired with it though. I have struggled with cambrian kits getting a nice square chassis. I use a piece of glass to sit the floor and solebars on. If i can, i also butt this up against something i know to be square then i place gentle weights on top as the cement hardens. Again, my impatience has lead to some pretty poor running wagons.  Also, as much as i love the Dapol kits, gibson or romford wheels are always substituted to avoid the wobble. 




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