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Day 29: unorthodox component choices



I should probably explain my choice of components for the controller a little bit. It's a mix of SMD and through-hole, normally you'd go one way or the other, but I felt in this instance it'd be better to compromise. As such all the resistors, caps and LEDs are SMD to reduce the number of holes in the PCB, hopefully making it look neater. The same goes for the 2x 15-pin headers holding the Arduino on. The rest (switches, terminal blocks etc.) are through-hole, as that's what is readily available and cheap. This hopefully confines most of the messiness to the outer edges of the PCB.


The other thing I'm quite happy with is finding a throttle potentiometer with a centre-detent - on of the biggest issues I have with my current 'proper' controller (a Morley Vector, otherwise excellent) is that you can't tell by feel alone when the controller is centered, and therefore off. This leads to occasions when you think you've turned off the power, when in fact it's still on and your loco is sat on a dead spot, so that as soon as you knock the boards or move the loco (to uncouple it, for example), it takes off again. Having a simple notch so you can feel the off position should solve that nicely.





Total component count: 23

Cumulative pushup counter: 3475

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There's sometimes a mix for all sorts of reasons. The two applying to you also apply more generally.  Having through hole components gives a more robust fixation to the board for anything that is touched or shaken. An SMD is only attached to the pad(s) on one side and they can delaminate. A through hole should have solder all the way through the hole onto the pads on both sides. 

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