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The Scots Grays are charging at dawn

Florence Locomotive Works


A few months ago I bought an old Keyser GWR Beyer goods, and it was pretty awful. So I in my infinite wisdom decided to make it even more awful. I hacked it up into a London Chatham & Dover Railway small Scotchman. And I was quite happy with it. Then it got in a rather bad accident, mostly wrecking it. So I began the process of reassembly, and promptly got bored and stopped. So it been languishing in a corner for a few months. It doesn’t have many redeeming qualities in terms of scale, but I did splash and buy some Gibson wheels, which was an excellent decision. The last photo is just after it was completed (I haven’t a clue why it uploads upside down)  and the others are after the crash. The quartering is a bit err, unusual, and if anybody knows the manufacturer of some outside cranks I would be very interested.


Stay healthy,





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