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Some progress and a dilemma




First the dilemma ,Turin60 was absolutely correct, it is a GVT loco and sorry David, I did reply to your comment trying to steer you in the right direction but it has not appeared on the blog for some reason – I probably put it on the wrong one and is now mightily confusing someone! It has become apparent that there are a couple of problems with the body which I just don’t think I can live with . The whole point of this project is to make something that is significantly better than the rather aged Peco white metal kit so I deserve it to myself to get it right even if it does mean starting again.


The main problem is that in the 10 though nickel silver which is what I have to hand it is just not rigid enough. I know this will get better as things like the tanks are added but there will still be significant areas where the sides will be unsupported. The solution then is to use a double skin which does have further advantages apart from the strength. I feel far more confident in making an essentially plain inner body in two or possibly just one piece with the individual outer panels attached separately. This means that there will be no difference between panel lines between those butt jointed and those scribed. It will also make the riveting on the inside of the body on the tank tops my easier to do. Another advantage is that I can add a slight step where the beading goes which will greatly help it’s location. It should not take me too long to start again as all the work in PhotoShop to draw to make up my ‘sewing patterns’ can easily be adapted. As I was playing with CAD last night I also designed a smoke box door and a few other smaller items that should help the project along.


To soften the shock of starting again I have turned my attention back to the Ruston, hence the CAD session. After much musing on how I was going to do it I finally set about designing a chassis. This was never going to the final version which is just as well as although I am quite proud of some bits, others are a complete disaster. So, good bits – the wheel bearings fit, the wheel base is correct and it fits snugly inside the body. Bad bits – I forgot that the layshaft bearings are smaller than the wheel bearings and didn’t provide a cut out for the wheel so they won’t fit at all! I deliberately didn’t make any provision for mounting the motor at this stage as I knew several versions would be necessary. I know you CAD veterans out there will be much amused by mistakes but as a novice in this field am actually feeling rather smug with myself!



Pics of the body will show a small amount of progress but I decided that it would be best not to go any further until the chassis and drive arrangements were settled.


Another upside of all this is that I may have found the problem with the bed levelling on the Ender. The lead which runs from the control box to the print head had managed to coil itself up under the print bed and and as the bed moves back and forth it was rubbing against one of the adjuster wheels so this was being turned and thus throwing the levelling of the bed out. One cable tie later and the chassis block printed very well and I actually had quite a problem removing it from the bed this time!


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