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Planning (Part 1 / 2)





Because i do not have the space for a full layout and because i am arachnophobic (so i am not going into the loft/attic) Because of these factors, i have decided to construct a shunting layout.


Because of this I am thinking of purchasing these from scalemodelscenery.co.uk :

Layout baseboard: https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/bb018-micro-layout-baseboard-in-a-box-2-730-x-95-x-207mm-8706-p.asp

Fiddle Yard: https://www.scalemodelscenery.co.uk/bb022-twin-track-photo-plank--fiddle-yard--dcc-programming-track-baseboard-400mm-x-150mm-9189-p.asp


I am thinking of a War Department Dockyard, The old mines in my home village of Silverdale, A country station or a pottery factory as i live near / in Stoke-On-Trent. Would someone mind telling me which one is good for a beginner modeller. I am thinking of the country station as I would like to do both freight and passenger trains. The maximum i want to run is 0-6-0 tank engines (Mainly the Hattons P Class) And At least one Coach, A Goods Wagon And A Brake Van. This is because i love tank engines.






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