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Heading Towards The Trees



More fiddly stuff that leaves it looking like not much has happened.  Finally the signal wires etc are done. Painting signal wires that you can barely see is a new form of masochism, but worth it. I tried Dark Earth, Dark Rust and Grey before settling on ... yet more Sleeper grime (with random bits of Dark Rust). The spring cover things are back on the points. I've added clay to bring the cess up to the crossing level, so hopefully it looks like that's the walking route. Paint etc needed when it dries. Some more 'bushes' are in place, I add these with long periods of (supposedly) looking at it, otherwise I tend to just pile them on and be unhappy with the outcome.


Next I'm going to have to fix the trees properly, after adding some different shades of leaves (finally got some!). The bigger ones, and certainly the Ridiculously Big Oak, are going to have till roll middles let into the papier mache  to take the weight while the 'roots' provide stability. That's the plan anyway. When done the telegraph wires (more old guitar strings) go on, followed by wiring up the lights, signal lamps etc. There will be two huts, lampman and P-Way, by the signal box. Kits are available, but somewhat pricey (c. £20) so I'm pondering making them. Other bits and bobs, like the point heater gas bottles and cabinet I'll do after the fencing has gone in, as the fence is going to have to divert a bit but I've not decided quite how yet. Then a lot of tidying up stray ballast etc. So far so good.


I got this set of pallet knives from The Works for £5, working with DAS clay using these is so much easier than fingers and screwdrivers. 




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