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More Tracklaying



Following the trials and tribulations with the first sector plate, I was pleased to see the second one hadn't reshaped itself after gluing on the cork. I fitted it (having first worked out which way round took best advantage of the warp for a level joint), and with the aid of a folded piece of card, it seems to sit fairly level. Having already prepared the track, all I had to do was glue it down this morning. It wasn't as easy as last time, mainly due to the curves in the branch line, not helped by one of the pieces of track that runs across the baseboard joint coming loose. Still, it all went down, and until I decide what to do storage wise at the back, and fit the other sector plate tracks, I'm done with track laying.



Having laid the main line, I could cut the final piece of backscene to hide the entrance to the sector plate. As it needs to fit between the other two bits of backscene, a bit of careful shaping was needed, as was novel clamping arrangement to hold everything in place as the glue dried...



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