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Westown-Heathfield - some background



Westown - Heathfield


Having come back to modelling after a long absence, this has been a learning experience.


I’m not aiming for perfection; I want the layout and individual settings to look plausible at a macro level. “I do enjoy making a miniature world where trains go to and fro


I wanted to capture the sense of place and settings of my home county Somerset; set in the context of the railways I knew and loved as a child.

I wanted to engage my 6 grandchildren in the building and operations as much as possible. I’d done this with my 3 children 30 years ago and it was a most rewarding shared experience that I wanted to repeat.

While I strive for accuracy when I can, I’m not a slave to achieving prototypical outcomes. For example, my desired operations in my confined modeling area demanded track configurations never seen. Nor can my locations bear more than a passing resemblance to real places.


I've chosen a 1930s West Country setting with both town and rural components, designed to capture the essence of the time, the trains and places rather than strictly adhere to prototypical metrics. I call this place "Westown - Heathfield" very loosely based on Weston-super-Mare (my home town) and a Quantocks village.  Presently the time and date is Winter 1936





Heathfield at Dusk- Winter_c.jpg

Edited by BWsTrains
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