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Points galore - Adventures in mixed gauge



4 new points were added to the board - two mixed gauge points and  two narrow gauge. The board is like a swan, it looks pretty calm on top, but all hell breaks loose underneath with a maze of multicolored wiring. So far the running reliability is good, but with the stay-alive in the loco's its hard to tell if it's down to my track and wiring or not...maybe i need a 'normal' loco for fault detection?


The Tillig track has been interesting to use and the transition from standard gauge to mixed gauge to narrow gauge is something different that brings a lot of interest. The track plan is evolving as i put the pieces down and along the way the aim may have changed from an isolated test board to a building block for a small layout. In the meantime, i will try and find a way of completing a continuous circuit with temporary loops, at least for the narrow gauge, to allow some more running sessions. Lets see where it takes me..


The biggest challenge so far is fitting the Cobalt point motors, they are really nice pieces of kit, but the alignment is difficult and always takes a bit of jiggling.




Edited by metijg

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