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Signal Kit Build - 4



With the LED now fixed in the lamp, the leads got fed down the post. I half expected them to get caught up on the rod providing the pivot for the counter balance, but all went swimmingly. Twisting them together may have helped. The camera's really struggling close-ups today, wrong phase of the moon or something.



And then the lamp  was glued on, making sure it lines up with the spectacle lens holes.




Followed by the track circuit plaque. I placed this as per the instructions, but I feel it's a bit low. Maybe another GWR/BR)WR) thing. I've concluded it can stay there as it's not 'wrong' as such.




So to the lampman's platform. I've made my signal 19ft tall so I 'have to' have one - though to be honest I'd have one whatever the height because they look nice. I got a bit puzzled here (not that that is all that difficult) as the platform comes with a couple legs sticking out that are to be shaped round the post, but not long enough to meet at the front. A nice cuppa perusing Google, and the picture on the front of the instructions, seems to imply the platform sits on some sort of frame (part of the platform) that's fixed to the post with a strap going round it. After some consideration I cut the legs off and made up a strap with legs for the platform to sit on. It looks the part anyway. (Yes, it needed a tweak in the right hand photo).




And then soldered to the post in the prescribed position. (A bit of an optical illusion here)




Followed by the ladder.




Next is the handrail round the platform. This looked awfully scary and fragile, but it all went just fine.




The ladder has a strap securing it to the post somewhere around halfway up. The kit provides some material for this, but it's not long enough to do it in one piece. A rummage around in the etch off cuts box provided a strip of brass long enough to make it in on one piece.




Add the finial and there it is done. The blind that goes behind the lamp I'll fit after painting the arm, same for the spectacle lenses. The operating rods go on last of all (because they get in the way of painting).


Some searching has revealed the other kit I keep referring to that I built the other signal from is from Scale Signal Supply (via Invertrain). This one, MSE, is identified as being a GWR tubular post signal, whereas the SSS one is identified as being a GWR/BR(WR) tubular post affair. I guess that explains the differences, such as they are. Which is 'best'? Neither, really. Both make a very nice signal, just the MSE one seems a bit more GWR and presumably earlyish BR, whereas the SSS one is definitely BR, so take your pick. The MSE one has a few more options, and the instructions are well written but you'd need to get up to speed on terminology a bit, and be able to work without diagrams in the most part. The SSS one is simpler in terms of making a stop or distant in one style only, no calling on arm (3ft) option as far as I remember but with pretty pictures in the instructions ; sketches, really. The MSE one comes with an etch for the handrail round the lampman's platform, whereas the SSS one you have to make it with wire and position the uprights as you see fit (the plastic center from a till roll makes a good former) - hardly arduous though. I have no requirement for any more signals, but if I did I'd go with SSS - simply because it's more 1980. I mentioned at the beginning that the instructions for this build recommends using three different temperature solders, but I built it only using low-melt with the iron on full tilt. Don't try this if you are not confident with a soldering iron. You could easily build it with glue if soldering is scary.


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