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A little lighting...

Paul Robertson


Not much time to progress over the last few days but before I did too much more I wanted to get some lighting in to ensure I could cover up the wiring fairly easily. 


My first go at the high masts was with a yellow LED to represent a sodium bulb. Unfortunately having tried it out there wasn't enough light coming out of it for the effect I wanted and I didn't have enough room in my brass rod to get any more LEDs. 



Initial trial with a yellow bulb. Can you spot the light?!) 


For the top of the light mast I tried a cut down bottle top. The first one whilst getting there felt a bit too big



(first attempt with a bottle lid) 



(attached to the top of a brass tube) 


Whilst doing the washing up another smaller bottle top passed under my nose so grabbed that one and cut off the screw shank to get it to size. 



(A bit of a wonky top but good enough for a second trial) 


Replacing the yellow LED for a white one provided a much better result. 



(white light LED high mast light) 



(and another view) 


Pretty pleased with the result as it will make the layout a bit of a centre piece in the room. I need to create a second mast and then put some yellow lights under the bridges. The Linkspan and ferry will have white lighting as will the buildings eventually. 


Managed to coax my yellow pen back into life to finish off the dockside lining as well some further white lining down the train Linkspan. IMG_20201123_194114.jpg.7bbea027e8e000a6c24fe27a07cc4b51.jpg

(lining finished off) 



(just need a bit more signage) 


Many thanks for reading


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