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I got the Hornby Select system for Christmas, so I'm down to three locos at the moment as I need to get more decoders. I'm hooked on DCC from the very start! My son and I spent a good hour on the first afternoon watching the lights change from white to red and back again on my 50 without it moving an inch.


So far I've just connected the two DC feeds which I had on the old set up to the output from the Select, and it works fine. I never had any sections or similar, I always use/d points to isolate sections (by which I mean stranding things in sidings...).


My chipped roster thus far is one Hornby 50 and the two power cars. My local man has run out of chips, so I'll have to wait until he gets more. Although I could get my models from other places, I like shopping locally, and he matches internet prices without even trying, and he's the most friendly shop keeper I know round here.


Currently I have a dumb bell shaped figure of eight along one wall, but I'm in the process of clearing the remainder of the basement so I can go for a two double track circuit (either two independent or twice round - I haven't decided yet) along walls 25 by 15 foot. Should be good, and it's a good way of spending the dull night shifts imagining what I can do.


A couple of queries, should anyone look or know the answer... I have no droppers and it works fine. I take it that if it's working fine as it is there's no need to do anything further? I'll suck the new longer layout and see whether I need droppers on that.


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