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New Layout, but not what I normally do



Evening all,


While RMWeb's been down, I've been able to finish my work on my DCC conversion of Doveston. I've not chipped anything else yet as I've been working on my AS Design Technology coursework. Which, ironically, brings me onto something new.


For my project I constructed a small O gauge test track on a old shelf we had lieing about in the workshops to test my ideas for my coursework. Well, it became redunent today after about a month and a half's use and I was allowed to keep it. Plans are to mount it as a shelf by my Desk at home simply as a test layout. One which I can learn the art of scatch building on and one I can learn aout Flexitrack and building your own stock.


It will be something completely different to what I'm used too so I'm looking forward to it :)


Photos soon




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