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Further Info About 'Project Redcar'



Looks like I might have forgotten to say this in the first entry, so apologies for missing this obvious detail...whoops.


My layout will be running on DCC and I'll probably be using a Gaugemaster controller for it. At the moment, I use a Bachmann analogue controller, second hand, cheap and cheerful, gets the job done. This is just for running in any new locos I get, so I don't immediately have to buy a decoder and get it installed. I run them in on some track I have laying around, which will eventually make up the layout.


All points on the layout will be manual (using my finger to change the points using the...plastic thingy that moves left and right)


For those wondering, are my locos fitted with DCC? The answer is yes, all of them have been, in preparation for the DCC controller's arrival. Currently, I have a Class 20, a Class 56 and a Class 153, all fitted with a DCC decoder.


Interestingly, the 56 is fitted with a Class 31 TTS chip, which will be transplanted into a 31 once I get my hands on one.


My local model shop very kindly let me put down a deposit on a lovely Class 37, since I'm a member of their discount club. There's still some to pay off on that, but its manageable.


Until next time


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