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Overhauling the old platform



I have a station platform but it's looking a bit shabby and in need of some TLC. It was salvaged from the old layout and is made from MDF and cardboard stuck on top for the platform surface. It's made up of two parts: a small section and a larger section with the ramp.




Rather than throw it away, I decided to give it an overhaul and use it on the layout. 


I decided that I would strip the old platform surface off and replace it with the Metcalfe paving sheets which I brought for the pavement alongside the road. I would then stick strips of A4 paper cut to size on the edge of the platform. This is because the edges of the platforms were painted white to aid visibility when the blackout was on during WWII. I also had the brick paper which I used on the freight only line so I decided to use some of it on the platform. 


I started on the smaller section first as I could get it done more quickly. I decided to salvage some of the old card and use it on the platform sides. That way, it'll be a smoother surface for the brick paper to stick to. There was also a small section of wood at the end of the platform, I think that was a fence or something, I decided to remove that as well. 





I thought I'd start on the platform surface first. So I measured the width of the platform using the paving sheets and made a note of where the edges were. However,  I made a slight miscalculation and it was a bit too short (left). So I measured again and I cut another piece, test fitted it and it was the right size (right). I then glued it on top of the MDF using PVA and put some heavy items in top to help it stick. The first bit of paving would be saved for use on the loading dock.





With the surface on the smaller section slowly gluing together, I thought I'd start stripping the platform surface of the larger section. Taking it off was easier than the first one. While doing so, I found out that it was made of two separate parts: the old surface held them together. I glued them together permanently using PVA later on, after I stripped the rest of the old platform surface off. 







A few weeks have passed since I last posted and the smaller section of the platform is now finished. I did end up using the old platform surface. I cut it to size and stuck it on the sides of the platform on the smaller section. Then I put the self adhesive brick paper over it. It looks a lot better than it did previously. For the platform edge, I used strips of A4 paper. 



The platform in position on the layout:







I've resumed work on the second larger platform. I've put the card on half of the side of the platform and put brick paper over it.




I need to take a photo of the end of the smaller platform so I can continue the pattern of the paving on the second platform section. 





Been a few days since I've posted anything on here but I've now completed the majority of the second longer platform. 



I might also saw the section of platform I haven't done yet off and replace it with some more sundeala board I found.



Update: I took the newly completed section with me and I decided to saw off the section of platform. The new one is made of two halves and, at the time of writing, is currently being glued together. It'll need to be filed along the sides to get them smooth once it's bonded.



Both completed platform sections in position:





Unfortunately, a couple of months ago the station platform was misplaced and I could not find it anywhere. That meant I had to buy (or build) a new one. Luckily, Metcalfe make kits for station platforms so I brought one of these for the layout. The construction of the platform will be covered in a blog entry shortly.

Edited by 6990WitherslackHall


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