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Introduction and 2 pics



Hello everybody,

First I'd like to say that, now that I'm getting a better handle on this blog thing I decided to add just a quick intro today, Oct 22, 2009, telling a bit about myself and my modeling philosophy.


I got interested in model railways about 10 years ago while recovering from a bit of a health issue. Now I had the usual circle of track under the Christmas tree some 50 years ago but I was never very interested in trains and such. My main modeling focus, into my late teens, was armour...and I got pretty good at it...then girls and other pursuits took my interest.


Anyways, back to the present...so about 10 years ago I needed a hobby...one of the things about model railroading that interested me was it's very multi-disciplinary..carpentry,electrical,painting,scenery work, detailing etc, etc. Needless to say I made all the usual beginners mistakes which I won't bother listing here, and I'm still making mistakes :lol:


Thats another thing I like about this hobby...it's a continual learning experience...just over the past 6 weeks I've learned how to install sound chips into locos, how to wire and box the speakers for them, how to use Decoder Pro and JMRI and just over the past few days I've been learning how to do this blog thing.


The other great thing about this hobby is all the new friends you meet...granted many if not most are through the internet and we probably won't get to meet most of them face-to-face...but they are still friends nonetheless.


The internet...I've got to say that wow!! has it ever been a great boon to me..the amount of knowledge and information that is available on webpages, blogs, forums such as RMweb and from individuals through emails is just awesome. Without the internet and all it offers this hobby would really be much less fun and interesting than it is.


now, as you'll see from reading further into this blog I am interested in UK,German and Canadian railway modelling and since my apartment is so small I prefer small layouts as opposed to EMPIRES...I'm also a big fan of multi-modeing my layouts, there's more of an explanation about that in Chapter3, More on My Layout of this blog.


So i hope you enjoy my attempt at a blog and if you have any comments ,advice or questions please feel free to contact me either here or via PM...Just 2 pics of my present lightweight,folding,shunting plank to start with. :icon_mrgreen:





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