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(34) Around The Round Table

With the installation of the turntable complete, I have now done a bit more work in the surrounding area.


My remaining sleeper stock was put to good use on the turntable approach. I hadn't stuck these down until I had screwed the turntable in place, in case the position of the screws interfered in any way. I used offcuts of PCB sheet for the 'sleepers' on the turntable itself.


I also added some shaped PCB sheet around the perimeter of the turntable to support the rails of the approach tracks and for the turntable locking.




The above photo shows all of this, including the rod and tube locking. Extra tubing will be soldered in place in due course to allow locking in all positions. I sited the locking here because there is plenty of space. There won't be enough space to install the tubes next to the rails, as the tracks on the side of the turntable nearest the camera will converge to almost touch. I am trying to keep everything here as simple and robust as possible. The turntable on the scenic part of the layout will have to be very different! 


Apart from the turntable tracks themselves, I have now laid all the remaining rails in the fiddle yard area. Slightly contrary to the original design, all the longer sidings are the same length, on the basis that they need only be as long as the longest trains I am likely to run. One of these sidings intrudes very slightly into the scenic area, but will be hidden under a building.




I have also had a slight rethink on the loco sidings on the far side of the turntable. The three I designed are a bit of a waste of space, on reflection. I worked out that I can install another short siding at the edge of the baseboard, sketched out on the image below. The other three will be curved and shaped to make better use of the remaining space. Three sidings of a similar length would be ideal. That way, I can implement a systematic rotation system for the locos - one siding full, one emptying and one filling up. When the emptying one is empty, it becomes the filling up one and the originally full one starts emptying etc. Of course, it would take me a lifetime to build all the locos, but I can still dream about it...!




Good news is that I have placed an order for more supplies, so I should soon be able to lay all the outstanding track in the fiddle yard. In the meantime, I can get to work on the trackwork on the scenic part of the layout.


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