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Brake Force Runner - Cosmetics

Because this model is already in NR livery I did not want to completely smooth the windows and ruin the paintwork with mismatched colours or scuffs from sanding filler so I opted to pop the windows out and paint them in several layers of diluted Phoenix Precision NR Yellow to reduce the amount of brush strokes. I used the access hatch on the top to determine which door windows needed painting. 




Another big feature of the runner is that the gangways have been removed and blanked over. Looking at the inside of the body, 4 locating pins and a dab of glue hold the gangway on so by inserting my knife from the bottom and twisting, it came right off. Any remaining bits were carved out before the filler. A piece of cardboard was glued behind covering all holes to act as a backboard and some Milliput was used to fill the voids. Once cured the majority was cut away and then sanded using an emery board until smooth. This area was then painted with Humbrol Enamel 33 Matt Black using straight strokes down to reduce the appearance of brush strokes. once dried I added the cant rail using orange pinstriping.



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