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Judith Edge Steelman Royale pipes, pipes and more pipes.



At the moment I'm going to concentrate on the footplate/chassis detailing. So today I've been looking at the bufferbeam pipework. There are 4 pipes each end for air and stuff. I've used Hornby pipes from their class 31, available as spares, part number X5326. Mine came from Abbiegails Hornby Spares, so cheap that I bought 4 packs. Well, they might come in usefull again... The pipes as supplied will not fit, they need bending out away from the buffer beam. Easily done by holding the plug end, the part that fits into the bb, in a pin vice and waving a hot soldering iron near enough to soften the plastic but not too near to melt it. As it warms up you can persuade it to bend slightly, just don't overdo it... Another reason to buy several packs. As it happens I needed the contents of 2 packs anyway.

Thanks to New Puritan for advice on what to use and sending me the link to Abbiegails.

Here's some photos, untouched pipes in the foreground for comparison;


The dodgy looking pipe has since been sorted.


I also fitted the sandpipes today, just straight brass rod. I felt that it would be too much effort to try to replicate every kink and bend. First I soldered the rod to the frames then bent them to shape. More photos;



Finally, I went to Maplins in Stockport th check out the flashing LED that Alastair suggested. Here it is;


A bit too big perhaps, but as it was only 69p I thought that its worth a try. Unfortunatly Maplins don't sell battery holders for button sized batteries, the only thing that would fit into the bonnet. I think that I'll go for a non-working option.


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I like that last photo in the sequence it really shows the model off well and especially the bonnet & cab roof profile along with all those tricky hand rails.


I agree the LED looks too big - don't spoil it ... are you certain they all had this "beacon"?

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Yes, it is a bit too big, I think. What size was it? You may be able to obtain a smaller example, it might not have a built in flash unit though. IIRC flash units are available in chip form these days, so needn't take up a lot of room.

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Thanks Mark. Could be on to something here... although it means having a non-working beacon. But I can live with that.

Pugsley - the LED is 3mm dia. I really should have planned this bit from the start...

Alastair - thanks for the link - the guy in the shop said that they didn't do small battery holders...

Kenton - I've re-watched the Bicester DVD and they did all have this beacon.

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I took a trip to MG Sharps in Sheffield today and picked up a couple of Details West beacons, non-working, part RB-106. One will be put aside in the 'could be usefull one day' box. It looks like I bought the entire stock of 2. It should look ok with a bit of work on the base. Thanks to New Puritan for the tip.

I also picked up the start of another project...

On a slightly more negative side I got turned away from a Sheffield scrapyard (with a firm NO) when I asked if I could photograph the locos in the yard. A shame as I had to walk past the locos to get to their office. Oh well.



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