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More Double Fairlie progress...



It's taking shape, the cylinders have been fitted to their backplates and the lower body valances are progressing. My fingers keep getting a little bit hot, but it hasn't caused me to throw anything across the room in agony yet! There's something very pleasing about the smell of hot metal when creating a locomotive, it's almost like it's a real one! It's not long now until the wheels go on and that's when the real test of my chassis starts. The axles turn in their bearings now, but once the wheels are on it might be another story!








Recommended Comments

Looks like it's coming on really well.


How did you bend the curves in the footplate? I've got this kit in storage after attempting the bends and making a mess of it - no amount of solder could hide the poor fit with the splashers! Strange because I can form curved coach

sides without problem but this kit has stumped me.

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Thanks very much. I've only built a few coaches and wagons thus far, so this is a VERY steep learning curve, so I'm taking it slowly, but am pleased thus far.


Using the lower valances as a guide, I secured two lengths of 2mm steel rod (the axles from the kit will do) in a vice so that the fit just inside the curves, and the bent the footplate around these. It did take quite a while to get right, but after a bit of trial and error, and swearing it fitted eventually! The right angle bends aren't too bad after that, but make sure the curves are right first or there'll be no chance of anything fitting.


Hope this helps (I should really've photographed it!)



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