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What To Do With The Inglenook?



More then two years after putting together my baseboard and after many false starts, I've finally laid rail-to-cork-to-glue-to-wood.




I don't have massive amounts of space to play with, so it going to be largely flat. with maybe a slight slope coming from the right of the phone to break the billiard table look.


But what else to do with all of that? After all, an angled inglenook in the middle of nowhere (the track at the bottom runs right across the broad to allow for posing big engines) already looks rather strange, so if it's just grass and trees, it's going to look even stranger and present me with no operational fun at all.


So far my ideas are pretty limited - the main one is a set of coal stands, with a coal merchant's van and an area with mud and gravel when coal sacks can be filled. There would probably be a deal of railway rubbish - old sleepers, bits of rail and so on - around here as well.


In between the two tracks or at the far left, I'm thinking about putting this:




It's a rather poor attempt at a BR/LNER goods van, which I think could be hacked into some kind of shelter or storage hut quite easily. Making some kind of tarpaulin and procuring some model corrugated iron to lean up against it would hide it's origins enough for it to be suitable for a 1940s/50s theme I think. It could be perfectly complemented by some over long grass and a tramp.


But what about the rest? And the backscene?


That I'm not too sure about. I think the coal area and the grounded van probably give enough set peices to be getting on with. Some trees would probably be an idea. Rural or suburban backscene maybe? Village in the distance but not close enough to the line for a station to have been built? Who knows...


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A suburban or industrial backdrop could be easily fitted around the sidings, with a few retaining walls as the scenic break, or half relief buildings. Shy of a remote mine or factory, the sidings would probably not just be in the countryside, although there is nothing to stop there being a small station, just off scene which would justify a goods yard.


Of course, it's your layout so go with what you like the look of, experiment with various buildings and ideas.


I'll be keeping an eye on this, I do like minimum space layouts and intend on making my own at some point!



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A suburban or industrial backdrop could be easily fitted around the sidings, with a few retaining walls as the scenic break, or half relief buildings. Shy of a remote mine or factory, the sidings would probably not just be in the countryside, although there is nothing to stop there being a small station, just off scene which would justify a goods yard.


Of course, it's your layout so go with what you like the look of, experiment with various buildings and ideas.


I'll be keeping an eye on this, I do like minimum space layouts and intend on making my own at some point!




Thank you for the comment. I did think about having a small station off stage (as it were), but I don't think I could get away with the level of grot I'm wanting if there was a station nearby.


Given that the layout and I are only in the same locality every few months, I've got plenty of time to decide on what else to put in there. It's why I'm looking at things I can work on away from the model - like the grounded van body and the coal stands.

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Hi I'm glad to see your work so far, I too like minimum space layouts and my advice would be don't be too ambitious. Continue to make progress at a good rate (I try and do something however small every weekend) and get it to state you feel is mostly complete (you can add detail for ever and a day) that way I think you will get the most satisfaction from all your effort

Well done, keep going


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  • RMweb Gold

You need to find some reason for the yard to be there and to be cramped. How about something like a brickworks these were often sited in somewhat rural spots. Use a road or river bridge to restrict the yard at the other end. Other possibilities Brewery or Maltings


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