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SNCF stephen


Unfortunately there has been very little in the way of progress since the last blog, however most of this is down to me being ill for the past 4 weeks. I have some sort of lung problem that the doctors are scratching their heads over and some of the next few stages of what I would like to model include the use of liquid cement and I really do not wish to endure the wrath of my lungs again.


I find that I have moods that last a few months where I want to do some modelling and one of these moods coincided with the start of the illness so I have been held back. However in an attempt to try and keep me going and push myself on for when I am feeling better I thought that another list was in order to sort out the layout.


- add more scatter material to the layout to give it better colour (this was on the previous list, I have never been satisifed with the deepness of the green I layed down).

- start the roof section of the scratchbuilt building (this has been going on for way too long now!).

- start scratchbuilding a second building using a different technique (suggestions would be gratefully received).

- smarten up the road (especially around the town).

- add the 3 new SAI buildings that I received for Christmas (this will require an extension to the road and some digging out of the modrock...).

- thorough clean of the railheads.

- glue the platforms down.

- add final layers of ballast.

- add scatter to the goods yard area.

- paint any areas that are left exposed.

- add more trees (I have the materials but have just not done it yet).

- consider what I want to do with decorating the extension section.


So thats my list at the moment. I am looking for a web site that is not too difficult to navigate that sells the Mabar Railcar (not that I can afford one right now...).

I am pleased that Model Rail International is back on the scene, I hope it is developed further.


If anyone has read all the way down to here then thanks, one thing I would really like to hear about is scratchbuilding structures on layours (especially in N). I have a book and a few articles on the subject but the way I am doing it seems as though it takes forever (using 2 layers of 40 thou plasticard as the basis for the walls with a patterned layer of plasticard as the external wall just seems far too time consuming). I am keen to know if there are shortcuts for using plasticard or if trying modelling card is an easier "first step" for a novice like me.


Many thanks and, health permitting, some pictures for you soon.




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Hope you are soon well again. Been ill with a throat/chest infection myself for ten days now. Whatever happened to the old ones we got as kids: one day with a sore throat, one day with a runny nose, one day coughing, end. These ones can take 4-5 WEEKS to go :(

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Thanks for the well wishes Alcazar. I hope your chest/throat gets better soon. I too long for the days when it was a simple 3 day infection. I spoke to the doctor this morning and he says its going to be another 2 weeks off work (and therefore, modelling). Could be longer...


I might see if I can make some trees cos at least that uses PVA glue.





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