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First Great Western mk3s



There was no way I was going to be able to resist these - way out of period , but I've travelled on HSTs down to cornwall for a good few years , so a set for the archive would be nice.

In the products thread , Magic Monkey and others mentioned/showed how to tint the windows using Tamiya smoke paint - so ive had a bash at that - and it works

I used the non hairy end of a paintbrush to draw the paint over the glazing , which stops any bubbles.



while the bodyshell is off , theres another little job to do , which Hornby have forgotten - the lower section of the toilet windows should be painted blue - I decided to paint the inside of the glazing rather than the outside, as it would look a bit neater. On the real things this section isnt an exact match for the main body color. I used Precision Mainline blue as its a close match to hornbys FGW blue.



A similar job on the buffet car - the three small windows in the middle of the vehicle need painting white - which Hornby didnt do - and the two windows on the left have been paintd blue - again from the inside - just incase I made a mess of it!



on the buffet , the blue doors , at the 'counter' end of the vehicle, should really have thier handles removed - but I wasnt feeling that brave , so painted them out in blue.

If you do try and carve these handles off - watch out - as under the blue paint is not blue plastic , but pink paint! Hornby have painted all the doors pink on the buffet, then gone over the doors

at the counter end in blue paint.






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Must admit Hornby have done a good job on reproducing the FGW Duracell livery, Its a shame theres no way of reproducing the masses of vacuum gear between the cars, as thatd be a sight to behold in 4mm! still not convinced though with Hornbys' mark 3 bogies



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I agree - the Hornby bogies are pretty naff - and the wheels they're fitted with dont help matters either.

As for the pipework between the cars - yes its very distinctive - for the best effect the physical coupling between the coaches needs to be placed as per the prototype too . Not entirely impossible if you look at what japanese N gauge modellers have enjoyed for the last decaderolleyes.gif http://www.kato-unitrack.co.uk/kato-replacement-couplers-2161-0.html

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I was going to weather these coaches - but i think they look too nice to make dirty - instead im going to use a Barble livery TGS and TSO to break up the set a bit - and have those two weathered instead , to show a mix of old and new coaches.

Id like to do quick conversion to make a TSRMB and a TS(D) soon aswell.





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quick heads up, U might have a job to get the roof off the TGS as it appears Hornby are still using Lima tooling and the bottom doesn't simply pop off like the other carriges. If your using Tamiya smoke to tint the windows from the inside its a bit more difficult on the TGS. I have used a black permanent marker on the windows from the outside as i nearly spit the plastic trying to remove the roof. It looks just as good if your going for a dark tint like myself but if you still want to see the interior you wont be able to using this method sadly. :)

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