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Warehouse End Rebuild





It's been a while since the last update, and, as ever, a lot is happening that is uninteresting - point motors, baseboard ends, rail alignment, wiring, DCC - but we have now started to redevelop the scenic side at the end that underwent the massive rebuild.


We managed to work out how to separate and incorporate some of Trevor's original buildings which we were unable to use as designed as we had to shorten the layout, but which we feel will fit in well and enhance the urban feel we are trying to achieve. We jokingly say that Heyside is 31ft long, and not a blade of grass. Not quite true, but you get the idea.


The group has now expanded to 7 active members, so there is a momentum gathering, and we should start to see more visible progress once the infrastructure is complete.


So, here are three pictures. Personally, I feel the layout is better balanced now, with the running lines wending their way through built up areas either end, but it has taken a lot of time to get things positioned to our satisfaction, to blend the original with the rebuild so as to give a consistency of approach.










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I think the first picture looks fantastic..! :icon_thumbsup2:





Thanks JB. I like that picture as well. I think it gives a feel of railway in an environment with width and especially height that you don't get too often in 7mm scale. There's some more houses around the corner now that are even higher. There's another 10ft or so of scenic work beyond the overbridge that I am yet to reveal.


Lighting's better too :)





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The latest developments include work in progress on an allotment between the p.w. hut & the raised terrace houses in the photos above. As the layout curves away from the camera in these photos, behind the road overbridge shown, a pedestrian overbridge, then tunnel with 2 single bores is mooted.We have a reasonable selection of L & Y lattice pedestrian overbridge photos, but finding good twin bore L & Y tunnel muoth photos has not proved so easy thus far.So , any photos etc from anyone would be most welcome. :rolleyes:

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