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musings, exhibitions and resin

Red Devil


Austerity 104 nears something like completion, to call this a 'kitbashed' EFE, is possibly a bit of an uderstatement, but it does include a few EFE bits. I'm pretty happy with it overall and it's more modern shape has helped me get a few different ideas about it's and other cars construction. Which leads me nicely into the 'resin' bit in the title.


The next two cars I fancy building are the 'iconic' Middleton Bogie and also 600 which was a ex Sunderland single decker, now ideally I'd like more than one of the Middleton bogies so, having done a little research into resin casting, I'm pretty certain that I'm going to try and build it as a master with a view to being able to cast some more bodies, possibly the same with 600. We'll see.






The pictures also show my new and improved bow collector, previous ones had been made from K and S brass wire and sections, whilst 'ok' I was never happy with them as they always looked 'too heavy'. The new ones are built from .45mm nickel silver wire and .45mm brass tube, soldered construction onto a 3mm threaded brass rod which is screwed into a threaded hole in the car roof. Springing is from 30 gauge nickel silver wire, so they're fully working and could be used for current collection. I can also make them for open/single deck cars as shown by this pic of tower car 1 (unfinished!)




So, onto exhibitions were you can all come to stand and point and laugh as trams dewire, break down, fall off the track for no apparent reason etc etc!!


Here's a couple of confirmed bookings


Festival of Model tramways July 24/5 Manchester Museum of Transport




Wakefield Model Railway Society 2010 exhibition Nov26/27/28 Thornes Park




Recommended Comments

As usual you have surpassed yourself I can hardly believe that you have been only a short time in the tram scene.

Your modeling is superb. Hope you manage to produce your resin moldings and if I can say so please produce a kit.Put me at the head of the list for one/two.


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As usual you have surpassed yourself I can hardly believe that you have been only a short time in the tram scene.

Your modeling is superb. Hope you manage to produce your resin moldings and if I can say so please produce a kit.Put me at the head of the list for one/two.



Thanks Martin, appreciate the comments, kits could be sometime off but you never know.........!

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