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Hey John,


After your recent forrays into G I was certainly not expecting an N gauge layout next. Still its my gauge of choice at the moment and with plenty of new stock out or due out there is plenty to keep you occupied.


Having seen your layout I would say one thing from experience. On section where the line is climbing to reach the bridge to cross over and go back over the viaduct I would advise that you test it very thoroughly, if possible with a slightly longer train. I say this because I had a similar set up on a previous layout (that never got to the scenic stage :( and I kept finding that because of a slight angle at one point a train of wagons would uncouple and role back down the hill. I am certain your track laying skills are better than mine but it is always best to iron out these difficulties (which expose the Rapido couplers flaws...).


I look forward to seeing how this progresses.



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Thanks for taking time to share the benefit of your experience, I will make sure it gets plenty of testing.

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