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EM at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank


"Honley Tank" is my workshop and it gets its name from the old Great Central locomotive works at Gorton in Manchester because my hobby is building models of steam locomotives which have a close connection with Gorton Tank and/or Gorton Engine Sheds which were adjacent to 'The Tank'.

Well OK my hobby is not solely building locos but that is where I derive my greatest enjoyment and satisfaction. However I'm no great believer in pretty models which stand around in glass cases or museums; my locos must work and must run slowly and smoothly. This means that I need a layout to run them on.

I've been modelling since the nineteen fifties, first in OO, then TT, but virtually from its beginning, in 18.83 gauge. I joined the Scalefour Society just a few weeks after inception but have just resigned. From the above you will have gathered that I don't qualify as a young modeller, indeed the ever advancing years and their effect have recently caused me to do some deep thinking and this has caused what is perhaps a change in direction that has amazed some of my modelling friends; - I've just started into building a new exhibition layout which will be in EM gauge and which has to incorporate super light-weight,fold up baseboards which can be bundled into the boot of my small car and which can be up and running in minutes rather than hours.

This blog is where I will publish the progress of this new venture both in layout building and in loco and stock production.

Am I the first person to convert a RTR loco to S4 wheel standards and then convert it again, but to standards of the EMGS? Weird or what?

Next time a few pics.


Recommended Comments

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your Honley Tank articles in the Snooze over the years so I'm really looking forward to reading about this latest project.





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Thank you for your kind comments Arthur.

By joining Manchester MRS I have had mentors of the highest quality, modellers who have always been only too willing to pass on thier experiences. I do my very best to carry on that tradition.


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