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A roof (finally!)

SNCF stephen


Its taken me long enough, but I finally made a roof for the building I have been scratchbuilding. Like the rest of the building it is not perfect but I am content with it since it is my first effort.


To be honest though, I am not going to continue scratchbuilding. I have given it a go and found that I am not accurate enough to make the cuts in the right place. In fact I find that my hands are quite like blunt instruments when doing work like this, so unfortunately after the first two buildings have been done I will be resorting to kits or other forms of buildings to continue to make the layout better. In my next layout I will probably kit bash than scratchbuild.


I am not done with this yet but so far I have to say it has been quite enjoyable to have a building that I can call wholly my own. I just wish it was a bit better.


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Sounds like you are being quite harsh on yourself!

They certainly look fine from here. A bit of painting and weathering and I bet you will be much happier!

Looking at real buildings helps you to find bits you may have missed off and also helps you gain an idea of what you could do to improve.


Before you give up completely, try having a go at a small building if you are not quite confident enough (that's what I did). Of course, kit bashing is another great way to get you started, even if it means just detailing or repainting - anything will improve confidence!


Good luck and have fun!



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Thanks Jam, I appreciate your kind words. Since I have plenty of materials left I may indeed have a go at doing a smaller building.

If I was going to do another building about this size I think I would try and work my way up to it and improve my skill first. I did enjoy making this one (and its got a fair bit of stuff to be added on yet...) but I just seemed to lose the will to keep going with it because of the inaccuracies that had accumulated due to slightly misshapen cuts and the like.


Still I will be doing another one (I intend to start next week) so maybe that will change my mind?

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  • RMweb Gold

No problem, glad I could help. It is a good thing you're not giving up just yet - it is easy to get a little demotivated from time to time. Let me be honest - I have so many inaccuracies on my models you wouldn't believe it, it's just I use 'selective photography' to omit bits that look bad. Of course, only now have I realised that actually I could do a lot better - none of my buildings have drainpipes on or much weathering, not all the little details like hinges etc!


All the best,


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