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Bruckless update and Railex



Is it really two months since I updated the blog? In that time the ballasting to all the yard areas has been completed and ballasting to the main line started but stopped again when we ran out of ballast, now waiting for four weeks for more supplies! All the structures - bridges, retaining walls, platforms, etc. have been painted weathered and largely fixed. Don't want to fix the plate girder overbridge until the track below has been ballasted. The fueling points and oil depot are finished, lights have been fitted and wired up and the vast expanses of white landscape have largely turned green. Oh, and I started installing lineside fence posts today.


Bought some nice etches from PH Designs, security fencing, access platform and a container trailer. I think the latter is going to give me some sleepless nights and I think I may need to strengthen the horizontal rails on the fencing to give it a bit of rigidity.


I had hoped to take some pics today but time got the better of me. So, as they say on the TV, here's a couple I took earlier.


More when I get back from RAILEX where I am giving Clinkerford its penultimate outing. Do drop by for a chat if you're passing. Robin Whittle is among my merry band of helpers so, if you wish to talk to him about his fabulous Barrow Road project, I'm sure I can give him a bit of time off!

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