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i really should concentra...oooh shiny



i find it quite hard to keep up with myself, i'll post an idea or a plan on here, then completely neglect to update because im so engrossed in buidling whatever it is im building. so this time im going to try be a bit less distractable and actually keep a regular record of my latest frankenstein.


i started building a small layout, made a baseboard on the budget of £0.00...

skips really are your best friend, you can find quite lengthy offcuts or boards that have served their purpose to the builder, simply ask whoevers around "mind if i take some wood out of this skip"...free baseboard


problem was, i started small. laid some track, ran some trains and thought


this should be bigger


so i rummaged around some more to get free materials, built a baseboard, laid some track, ran some trains and thought


this could be bigger


see a pattern emerging? i need a plan


i havent done anything modern image, but ive found myself strangely drawn in its direction. its been done before i know, but im going motive power depot. with a lean towards the repair facilities, all based loosely around Neville Hill, Leeds. keep it local. typically the most used rolling stock around me and the one i most want a model of doesnt exist, so im looking for a suitable base to create this...



any ideas??


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I found an old wardrobe door in my basement, and an old notice board, and some lengths of baton I had lying around and knocked up a free baseboard. Then I decided I needed a bit more length to run bigger engines on it, so I found an offcut from when we fitted new wardrobes. I think I'm having similar issues to you! See my blog for "progress"...

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ahh yes ive seen your layout before, very intrested in the mix of narrow gauge and standard gauge, was thinking along the same lines myself...great minds must think alike haha!

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