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tyne dock 9f redone!



tyne dock 9f now redone and new pipes added and scale coupling! been and donesome moreweathering in the shed tonight on it! so took a couple of quick pics! it now going for sale as need to pay a few bills !


anyway here`s a few pics!




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Guest Oversetts Models


nice weathering job there ian,is it done with an airbrush or powders? kind regards,bob

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That looks rather nice - I do like the Tyne Dock ore workings :)


May I make one suggestion for the weathering? The motion is very 'matt' and I think it would really enhance the appearance if you add grease/oil to help add texture in this area.

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hi james glad you liked it! yes maybe so ive seen tim do the very same with some of his weathering onthe dvd but one thing im sure of is you got to keep them joints as clean as possible or fill them with oil other wise the whole think locks up! or as tims says on his weathering dvd gums it up! been there & done it to many times! it may also look stark as the photo is not in natral light! it brings out more colour tones im leaving this one as it is if it gets a new home then it will stay that way if it stays here with me then I may do some fiddling.

cheers ian:D

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