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My first diesel depot blog



Dear all, after a little persuasion, I've started a plan for a diesel depot to display, and run, my slowly growing fleet of circa 1978 diesels. The period is based on personal recollections of the area in, and just to the North of, Kings Cross. So far I have three detailed and weathered class 55s (see Bedelands view workbench in weathering painting and transfers), two further 55s (Deltics) awaiting work, a 47 (Brush 4) and split headcode 37 (37); all in BR blue. The locos are all Bachmann. The Hornby class 31s (Brush 2) went back - faulty!

Apologies for the parentheses – the names are what we referred to them as at the time... and to an extent this has stuck.

My plan is for a small depot similar in size to the Kings Cross stabling point, but with some undercover maintenance facility (the Bachmann 2-road depot) and a single point of entry - no through running at this stage. And in terms of size, Finsbury Park it is not!

It’s size will be restricted to about 5½ ft by 1½ ft to give it some portability, if wanted - this will currently fit in my old car with the 60 (of the 60/40 split rear seat) folded down.

So far I've used several pages in a notebook sketching out ideas and moved on to square paper, ruler and compass to try and get some scale. I've yet to acquire some track planning software so this is all a bit long handed... but it's not a big layout, so should be ok. Track is Peco 75 finescale, keeping radii as big (and prototypical) as possible.

I want to be able shunt locos back and forth... display and photograph the results. Plan is for DCC (eventually), although all locos are currently only DCC ready and I’ve yet to get a DCC controller. I’m still considering a powercab (as my friend has one)... and have shied away from the Dynamis.


So, this is my plan as it stands today... I still look back now and then and subject it to further tweaking... but any suggestions here would be well and truly welcome.


I honestly hope this makes sense:




Oh, and this is my first blog... so I hope that I've done it right!


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Jon, Hi...seeing as how I am probably one of those guilty of 'coaxing' you to start a layout...and then a blog...I think I am entitled to first dibs!


Looks a good start - the only thing I wonder if it needs tweaking is your hidden cassette area...the wall doing a sharp 90 degree turn may be difficult to handle. There are a few layouts that have skewed the entrance/exit and I wonder if its worth considering.


The other point, is you can't beat a mock up. I suggest a roll of wallpaper, some Peco paper point templates and a few 'homemade' track photocopies to map it out fullsize and even lay out your stock on it to get a good feel.


Other than that, really happy you set up the blog.


Watching with great interest...



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Hi Pete.., yes you were one of the prompters... so first dibs is yours. I did play with a slanted entry from the cassette area (may just be a hidden area, but liked the idea of casesstes to ease loading - not yet worked out how to make one...but) and what I can get my hands on will probably dictate this. I love the entry to Hendry Lane - slanted under a disused railway bridge - but wanted some real estate to the left of the entry point, so scrubbed that idea initially. HL was an inspiration.

Yes, I have print outs of the peco point sets and have laid them out on the desk - blu-tak'd - but will try the wallpaper idea too. I started at 5' long, but found that the 55s would be too close at the sidings entry point - so lengthened them (track and point cutouts with lcocos sat on them).

I'll map it out properly and see how it goes.

Thanks for the suggestions.. and for watching.

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Looks pretty good to me, although I'd be tempted to rotate the whole thing a few degrees to prevent the main axis of track being parallel to the board edges - this might cost you a siding, depending on how you do it, but it would probably look more natural?

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Morning -

Further to Petes suggestion - have you looked at Xtrkcad - it's a brilliant free layout planning program that you can download - it'll allow you to build your trackplan - (it has all peco point templates included on it) and view/print it to scale - you can even print it out full size to work straight from it - better to make any mistakes 'virtually' on your screen where its much easier to correct things with a few clicks of the mouse. I'd also agree with Bill - if you skew the plan slightly , it may be at the cost of a siding - but you'll see all that lovely bufferbeam detail to better effectsmile.gif Again, you can easily rotate your trackplan on Xtrkcad and see how it fits your board size, and modify if required.







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Will and Jon, Morning. Thanks for the suggestions. I handn't thought about rotating it... I'll see what I can do although I may be limited to keeping it straight at the back to get the run into the maintenance depot shed.

I can alway wident the baseboard a bit,.

I tried to download Xtrckcad but then found that I needed to buy a license to get some sign-in number (?) Downloaded ok, but didn't have the long number - (was it a 12 digit number?) and thought that it said that I needed to buy a license to get it. Did I get it wrong?


One area to ponder at the moment is the stabling point in the middle foreground (6). I did wonder about putting a single road shed on this... or a washer plant, but wonder whether this could render the rest of the layout more difficult to photograph, and that it might draw attention away from what's behind? Any thoughts? I suspect that some 3-D rendering may help - might try and draw some up... although not to BCNPete's standard of course.smile.gif

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Jon I love the sketch! Trackplans sketched out by hand always look nicer to me - more organic! Have you any sketches or photos to share that are the inspiration for the location for those of us not familar with Kings Cross in the period you're talking about?


One thing I'd consider for a layout of this size is to try and use C&L or Exactoscale (P4 Track Co) OO track with bullhead rail for the sidings. With some judicious weathering and ballasting they can be made to blend in with Peco Code 75 points (see Chris Nevard's Cement Quay and Arne Wharf). Flat bottom Peco Code 75 looks nice, but perhaps not the 'diesel stabling point' look you're going for? :)

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Hi James, thanks for the comments. The hand drawn sketches always give that fag-packet look... which is representative of the planning behind it (minimal at this stage), but any changes require a complete redraw. A cad system would therefore be useful... part of tonight's search (if I get time).


The advice about the track is noted. Not something I'd considered, but I'll take a good look. The article on Chris Nevard's Arne Wharf did cover this didn't it - will dig it out (a recent Model Rail I think).


For Kings Cross, there are a number of references, but can't locate them at the moment. Try googling Kings Cross Stabling point and you'll quickly get the feel of it. Now its just offices and portacabins.... very sad!

For Finsbury Park, this fotopic site is useful... although I'm still digesting ideas http://johnsmith.blokes.org.uk/ (Finsbury Park Diesel Depot Remembered). Have just ordered the DPS book on Finsbury Park too... expecting some useful information in this.

Thanks again

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Will, "Be aware - there is a learning curve! I found it somewhat idiosyncratic but it does work well when you get used to it." Wow, huh.gif you're not kidding! maybe I'll try this slow time... can't seem to get the hang of it right now. But thanks for the pointer... now have it downloaded.


My confusion was that I tried to download Templot - license needed for that.blink.gif

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  • RMweb Gold
Will, "Be aware - there is a learning curve! I found it somewhat idiosyncratic but it does work well when you get used to it." Wow, :huh:you're not kidding! maybe I'll try this slow time... can't seem to get the hang of it right now. But thanks for the pointer... now have it downloaded.


My confusion was that I tried to download Templot - license needed for that.blink.gif


Hi There looks like a good idea. I have a depot based layout of similar period due to space constraintssad.gif

However I am pretty pleased with what I am managing to fit in. This includes a hidden tunnel that engines can vanish into (on their way to the station of course...)

Best thing was DCC it allows all sorts on thgis size of layout. I am slowly adding sound to my fleet and that just takes the mind back......rolleyes.gif


good luck



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Chris, The tunnel entry point is one we share (top left of plan at present), and whilst I will plan for this to be DCC, yes I'd love sound too. As the majority of my fleet are currently Deltics (DMD could be Deltic Maintenance Depotlaugh.gif ) this does pose a bit of a problem with sound. The balance of opinion on this swings towards SWD as the source for the sound items, and I will pursue this once funds purchased the digital controlled and allow for £100 a time upgrades to the fleet. It'll be a slow progress, but there's no rush.

Having now started to become familiar with teh chassis dissasembly of these - I reduced the bogie height on 55008 last night, I may actually try fitting the fuel tank speaker myself. However, for now, I have this layout to plan, and I'm enjoying just detailing my diesels.... so sound can wait awhile. However, the sound locos are good, and yes they do take you back. Mind you, I stood watching a Deltic (022-RSG) hauling a train to the buffer stops at Kings Cross a few weeks ago, throttling up to haul the coaches up the grade from Gasworks... now there was a sound that I'd not heard for over 30 years - hair on back of neck stood on end! It was a good day out all in all... just a shame that it clashed with the DEMU showcase.


I'm also strapped for space - hence the under 6' plan. But I think I'll end up with something. I mean, look at Hendre Lane !

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  • RMweb Gold

might try and draw some up... although not to BCNPete's standard of course.


Jon - Your too kind - thanks - your sketch plan looks nicely drawn - you can always overlay it with some kitchen 'grease proof paper' and do a quick trace off, twist the angle etc...that way it doesn't take long to redraw it. Alternatively a small scale mock up, say 1:10 scale is good for visualising the various elements.


By the way, I stumbled upon this layout just now. It has been nicely modelled and captures a lot in what looks to be similar space requirements as you?


Keep posting - the development stage of a layout is always interesting - Pete

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Pete, thanks for the prompt about that layout. It is good isn't it! I found it a while ago searching through the layouts pages... and it helped with some ideas for my depot plan.

No revised plans at moment, but will get back to that at the weekend... hopefully. I'll grab some tracing paper out of the drawer and give that a go.

Spent last two evenings dropping bogie/chassis height on two of my Deltics. Improves the look a bit. I took some photos of the work last night on Tulyar, so will start a workshop blog with that article.

Thanks Pete....... Jon

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