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High Level RSH 'Husky' - Sandboxes and rear bufferbeam.



The front sandboxes are attached to the valances and just need bending to shape. Another very impressive piece of design work. Here's a pic, one 'box bent to shape and one still flat;




A lot better than a whitemetal casting I'm sure you'll agree.

The lids sit above the footplate, these will be added after the bonnet is soldered in place.

The rear sandboxes are made from 3 parts, above the footplate there is a cast brass body with an etched lid and below the footplate there is a L shaped etching. This was a pain to solder in the right place, even being held in place with blu-tack. This etching does need narrowing as it sits too low compared to the plate coming down from the cab rear. So far thats the only part of this kit that I've found fault with and thats only minor!

A few pics;






Here's a pic from underneath;




Note how the bufferbeam has a cutout that the tag on the end of the footplate sits in. Again more clever design.

And now a pic of the progress to date;




Next job will hopefully be the gearbox.

I'm not sure when the next update will be, I'm picking up a new puppy tommorow so modelling time might be limited!




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Cool - lots of clever design. I wondered what those things were on the underframe etch before, now their sand boxes that makes total sense!

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The whole kit is very cleverly designed, and quite easy to put together. Chris Gibbon is a bit of a genius! Every part has fitted perfectly so far and the tab and slot design works rather well. I don't think that this will be the last High Level kit that I build somehow... (the Armstrong Whitworth beckons...)



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Hi Paul


Very neat work! You seem to have all the same kits I have stored away but with the time to build them! At least I'll know what to do when the time comes! I'll stick to the 009 for the time being!


Hope all is well and that we can catch up sometime.


David Gander

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Hi David,

Thanks for the comment.

Somehow I reckon your kit cupboard is a bit of a treasure trove! Mine's getting that way... One thing that will appear on here at some stage will be a Nigel Lawton O+K.

I'm sure we'll bump into each other at a show sometime.



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