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Exhibition Test Track



As always what seemed like the Lydney Exhibition being "months and months" away, slowly and very surely its nearly upon us.


This will be the first outing for the 891mm project and we had discussed many times about how we would present the scale and the models as part of the demo stand.


So with a fiddle yard baseboard from a previous unfinished project a layer of Sundela board was added and set to work laying the track.


The track itself is Code 100 Peco FB, pinned down onto the sleepers using KB Scale track spikes. The sleepers themselves are trusty coffee stirrers acquired from a reliable coffee shop who were willing to provide "quite a few"...certainly enough to see us through the project. The stirrers worked out at a scale .2mm to wide so wasn't going to argue with the over width and thus they were cut to length. Staining was completed using a mixture of acrylic washes.


Weathering and foliage needs to be added but at least its a start!


Meanwhile work on the Gp needs to continue as I am intending to get it finished prior to the exhibition in Sept!






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