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Brave new world and old back's of envelopes



Well this is my first post on here an a bit of a test really. I was going to bring some stuff over from the old forum, but decided against it due to complete lack of activity. I am hope that this spurs me on to 'get things done' But being a serial scale hopper I am trying to tie myself down to 1 or maybe 2 at most so I can have some output.


Whilst digging around files sections I came across this plan which I drew some time ago. I still rather like it and think it would make a nice 2mmFS layout. I think though it would take up rather too much space than I have but maybe people can comment.




Other plans are to try some large scale micro-ing in card! and a keep going to back to, or scratching an itch for Swiss metre gauge. But that is some long way off as want to do it in either Nm or TTm.


Anyway, so the story starts..




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I like the trackplan, at least you'd have something to play with then.


Could you not use that as the basis for a Swiss Nm layout and just model a yard or depot or something though if that's what you really want to do?


Don't see many Swiss depots, just big sprawling layouts with lots of scenery, might be something a tad different?

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Yes, this is the thought! yet again.. ;)


The trouble is with the swiss stuff all of it will have to be scratch built as there is very little in this scale that is RTR and what is is brass and very expensive.. ditto for TTm, so in order to do something I am going to have to be patient as its going to take some investment of time and effort. There is scope for doing a corner of a larger station as a yard, which it what I was planning to do.


There is also a 750mm line that I really like and this could be modelled in small space in TTm..




or this

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Well 750mm in TTm would be 6.5mm track or might do a 5.5mm with 13.5mm gauge but HOe would make most sense as then it would be 9mm track. With a bit of license an industry could be included for some traffic and a BO-BO shunting type loco to pull traffic...


Actually the real location is 220m roughly so in TTm that would be 1.83m for the prototype:unsure:



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HOe would be the most logical of that lot if it were me, that way you save yourself lots of bother.


I have to admit that I watched Swiss Railway Journies on a sky travel channel and thought how attractive it would be to model a similar line.

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HOe would be the most logical of that lot if it were me, that way you save yourself lots of bother.


I have to admit that I watched Swiss Railway Journies on a sky travel channel and thought how attractive it would be to model a similar line.


Yes I know and will probably go down this route, but I guess I want to do something different.. but we'll see I think a small diarama first to get a feel for it.. as have never done HOe or 9mmNG..



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