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Caia Road Goods - The reference period



I've been trawling the internet to try and find some pictures of Caia Road Goods, without any success, but I did find a series of books by Bridge Books who have a series of pictures books of the Wrexham area. Volume 3 has a c1900 picture of a Cambrian Railways 0-4-4T with some wagons in "Cambrian Leather Works Sidings", which I assume is Caia Road Goods Yard, as the works were situated in Rivulet Road which ran parallel alongside the railway. It sates that the siding awas to facilitate the loading and unloading of raw materials and finished skins. Also, on the opposite page part of the bridge is shown, along with the part of the Leather Works which was on Salop Road and below that, a picture of the Leather Works Yard - the works closed in the 1960s, probably around the time passenger traffic stopped on the Wrexham-Ellesmere line.


In Volume 5, there is an aerial picture of Wrexham (c1960) which shows the layout of the yard (not in any great detail, but useful anyway) in relation to the rest of the town. There is also another picture taken in 1910 from the Parish Church tower which shows Mount Street, with Caia Road behind.


I reaaly need to find a good photo of the goods shed or - ideally - a plan!


Next week, I should have some time to work out what can be compacted into a sensible size exhibition layout...


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Interesting and rare geographical choice Narrowman. The Wrexham area is quite fascinating, particularly in the dying days of steam. Still a heady mix of scruffy ex GW, ex LM and BR std steam as well as loads of Sulzer type twos and EE type fours.


Add loads of coal and steel traffic and industrial and rural landscape all blended together - wow !!


One place I'd love to have visited in the early to mid 1960s was Croes Newydd or Crows Newid as the Bescot men used to call it.


Looking forward to seeing this develop. what period are you thinking of Narrowman ?

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The whole area is quite fascinating railways wise - even today! Class 60, 66, 57, 67, etc!

Don't forget the ex-LNER class locos that used Rhosddu sheds and visited Wrexham Central (the clock in the waiting room was ex-LNER!)

Croes Newydd was an impressive shed to visit (and be chased off by the shedmaster - although he was fine if you asked permission). Lovely mix of engines in the early 1960s (including Dukedogs) and later they stored Class 24/25/40s in the old steam shed and around the triangle.


I was born in Bertie Road, Wrexham and the railway was visible from our front window. The walk to town was along Caia Road, passing the yard and there was usually a 14xx and autocoach around somwhere. Freight was usually by Pannier tank, as was the Saturday morning train, which was usually a B set or two coaches.


The period I intend to model is the early 1960s, pre 8th September 1962 when passenger traffic finished (I was on the last run!) up to 1981 when the line closed in its entirety. This means I can operate Class 24/25 and 47s on ball clay trains to Abenbury Sidings and oil trains to Wrexham Industrial Estate 9Fs and Class 40s - if the fiddle yard is big enough!

Kind regards,


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