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Pickering Exhibition 2010



Ok so its now a week since the exhibition but I've only just got around to updating this with some pics!


The first issue I almost had was that some months earlier I'd changed the car!! I'd gone from a Laguna Estate to a Vectra Hatch so surely I'd need to hire a van for all exhibitions from this point on!........................




Nope!!! Infact the Vectra has a better load space than the Laguna!! Go Figure!


The weekend went well I think- if the feedback from those there and reading compliments on the net is anything to go by (thankfully Simon was on hand when we had a dead short on the middle of Saturday afternoon - not really a surprise given the heat in the room!!)


I did manage to grab these pics on Sunday, hope you enjoy!



Various wagons for reapir stand outside the main repair shed



40004 deaprt the yard with a Staff Dorm Coach



The local haulier arrives to collect empty pallets for disposal



Between dutys Sulzer Power dominates the yard.



The same locos this time from inside the shed.



The local haulier obviously not in a rush to return the pallets parks up out of the way.



Awaiting the cutters torch.



Deep in discussion or simply shirking work??



Under an increasingly threatening sky 20144 readies that nights works rake!



No High-Vis jacket? Hope the powers that be don't see this!



The Thorne Yard breakdown crane with Generator Van and Mess Van are moved into the loop by plough fitted 47286 of Bristol Bath Road


Regards Dave


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Hi Dave,

Well done on pic of the week.

It's been a while since I have seen pics of your layout, it looks superb as does the stock. Love the breakdown train. Any more pics?


Cheers Peter.

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Some really good shots of Thorne yard there Dave. Thanks for your contribution to a brilliant show.biggrin.gif

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Wow - this is stunning! I haven't seen much of Thorne Yard since the 'old' RMWeb - maybe I've just missed it here. It looks absolutely brilliant laugh.gif

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Thanks everyone for the kind words! The next 2 or 3 months should see a lot more detail work and a small 2 foot extension to the repair shed (I'm going to work with our local DCC wizzard Simon H -(Mscorn) to look at the possibility of a working overhead crane and then go to town on the interior) Then Tony Wright is coming up to photograph it, I'll scribble some words and then it should hit the magazine!



ps look out for the new club layout - currently name North Clydeside! If you like Blue/Railfreight Grey Diesel this will be right up your street

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