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Right, I've got at least part of a project finished.



Princess Alice now has a numberplate and nameplates on. She also has lighting up oil lamps on the front.


Photographs of various stages follow.



This one is my bench in the conservatory. It's brand new, hence the lack of sun protection at this young stage. For a change, I've actually got some prototype photographs for a project. Only two, but they helped in that I now know that there is some sort of pipe at the front of the frame which can be taken as being represented by the wires for the LED lamps at the front. Note also the perfectly timed edition of Model Rail with instructions on how to do exactly what I wanted to do!



Pride comes before a fall, and I was careful to check and test before saying so, but I'm quite proud of my neat soldering and sheathing on this one. I also did the hosepipe trick on any exposed ends to be on the very safe side.



Lamps fitted and wired in, but not reassembled.



Princess Alice renamed, but not renumbered. If you look closely at the cabside, you can still see the outline of thicker paint where the numbers have come off, as well as where I appear to have rubbed through to plastic. I'll cross that bridge when someone builds it for me... I'm also slightly unconvinced by the red background - the donor, City of Manchester, came with a maroon backgound. Red looks good, but is it right?



Princess Alice back together, lamps not lit.



And the one I've been waiting for, Princess Alice, lamps lit, ready for finishing and a nice big layout to play on.


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