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A story of two bogies



I have been on and on about the failings of Hornby's bogies/pony trucks for as long as I've had locos. Somehow Bachmann escaped, but for how much longer?


Anyway, there follow some pictures showing Hornby's bogie as supplied and a temporarily assembled whitemetal replacement.


There are clearly some jobs that Honrby's bogie has to do that I will not be needing, such as holding a front coupling, and I may well find why the side lumpy sticky out bits (I should know their name and function, but I have to confess I don't).


So now I have to learn to assemble whitemetal and find out how to do bearings. Maybe I have some. I don't know. I will cross that bridge when I come to it, and I may find out why Hornby chose the shape of bogie they did.





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I see nobody noticed the upside down stretcher I put in deliberately to catch people out. Anyway, it's all done now, and it only remains to take and post a photo or two to show the vast improvement.


I am frankly making a dreadful hash of transfers, so I think I will carry on regardless and make my mistakes on this loco then when I've got a few more under my belt I'll revisit her and do her properly.


As far as the nameplate background colour is concerned, she was shedded in Scotland, and they liked to do their own thing with name/numberplates, so that's why it's red for the 1946 Black Livery.

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