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Hack and grind (or how to completely invalidate a warranty)



Having obtained my stupidly-tight curves for my N gauge shelf layout, I realised that my Farish 94xx (crudely repainted in maroon) wouldn't navigate them, with its too-long (!) fixed wheelbase. This is not going to be a layout where I can run 9Fs and Pacifics (although to see a Pacific navigate a 1-chain radius curve would be fun!). As such, I decided that I would attempt to modify my 94xx to allow it through the curves. How? Flangeless centre drivers, of course!


Being a poor student, I don't have a mini-drill at present, so the flanges on the Farish drivers are currently being filed off by hand, using a needle file. One wheel is already done, and allows me to test the running qualities in one direction. More information tomorrow after test running has occurred, but some photos of the work so far:


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The bottom centre driver is the one that I have attacked.


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View along the chassis to allow you to compare the flanged and flangeless wheel profiles.


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Inside of curve, with flangeless wheel overhanging the inner rail.


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Outside of curve, with centre driver quite definitely moved sideways over the rail.


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That must've taken a fair bit of elbow grease to get the flange off, I wouldn't be looking forward to doing the other! Mind you if you keep the loco facing the same way you may be able to leave it on!


This a rather interesting concept, and one which also gets my brain thinking in terms of my 009 layout, they had tight curves on narrow gauge lines too!


Keep it up



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JaymzHatstand: Surprisingly, this was fairly easy. I was being very cautious so as not to damage the nylon drive gear, but estimate about 10 minutes of (gentle!) filing achieved roughly this, with maybe 5 minutes of polishing up afterwards. I know about sharp curves - these curves are 140mm radius! I would not enjoy trying to get the 0-6-0 to go around the smallest radius that Tomix make - 103mm! I'm also looking into getting hold of some foreign-made N-scale 0-4-0s to try to convert them into passable UK might-have-beens... Particularly the Fleischmann 0-4-0 and the Tomix Percy (see https://www.newhallstudios.com/~station/images-lib/tomix_n_scale/TO-93808/TO-93808_02_lg.jpg ) which should only require the face removing and replacing with plasticard and a suitable smokebox door, followed by a repaint. As a bonus, it comes with three faces, perfect should I decide to have a "Day out with Thomas" event on my layout!


EDIT: Have just removed the other wheel's flange in about 10 minutes, and it runs pretty sweetly around the curves. I'll run it in tonight, then look for any tight spots...

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