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Scenery and cobblers...er cobbles



So..back to the present layout.

Here's an overhead view of the layout...essentialy the right-hand side is a 3 track Inglenook with the shortest front track haveing a kickback sideing that serves the local fuel company, the left side is a 2 track inglenook and the two are joined by a runaround. the rear right hand track is the branchline that heads off the right rear side to the rest of the world DSCN1277.jpg


Scenery was the standard techniques and materials...Woodland Scenics, dried tea from used tea-bags, washes. etc The buildings are all commercial products I built useing the DPM series of modular pieces. The backscene was originally foamcore that I painted a greyish sky on, but the foamcore warped after a few days so I got some thin balsa and used that for the backscene. Oh yeah...track was regular Peco code 100 flex and insulfrog points. In a way the layout is finished, but of course layouts are never finished and I keep finding things to change and/or add...in the meantime I keep playing trains on it while I plan the next layout :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:

I really am pleased with Jack Trollopes' bicycle-spoke manual point control system, next time I'll use electro-frog points with a micro-switch as per Jacks drawing in my earlier blog entry.

I'm partial to inset track..on this layout I did a section of inset tack by useing some plaster...next time I'm going to use sheets of foam with cobbles carved into it as per a technique posted on another forum by a chap called Peer Donner.. http://germanrail.8.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2515 looks really fantastic in my humble opinion.

I did some experiments useing his technique on the foam trays that meat and veg comes packed on from the grocery store DSCN1220.jpg

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I presume you mean carveing cobbles into foam nearly drove you mad......I can see how that could happen. I like your nickname BTW.



Tried this before, its very effective but nearly drove me mad!blink.gif

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