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I've been a regular viewer of RMweb for the last 12 months but have just signed up as I have a new layout in the planning stage. Never written a blog in my life so we'll just have to see how this goes. Lot's of thoughts running through my head at the moment so will dump them here.


So how did I get here...


Well I guess it all started over 30 years ago with our OO model railway that Dad built in the dining room. It was a permanent feature and I remember it being there for many years. Funnily enough I can't remember it being dismantled but the track and rolling stock was boxed up and forgotten about.


I stumbled upon the boxes a few years back whilst in my parents attic. My son was almost 4 years and I decided to build a small 6x4 layout in his bedroom complete with Thomas and Percy! This 6x4 was a great success at the time. My interest in modeling began to grow again and before long I was a regular reader of the usual modeling monthly magazines, attending exhibitions and viewing this forum. The 6x4 lasted 18 months or so before my ambitions got the better of me. The 6x4 went and was replaced with a larger layout which ran round the perimeter of the room. Thomas and his mates also disappeared and was replaced with modern diesel locomotives.


While initially a great success, interest started to wain and it was clear that my enthusiasm and interest wasn't really shared. After much discussions with my wife it was decided we should dismantle the OO layout and If wanted my own layout I should built one for myself. (more of that later)


So over the last month or so the layout has been dismantled, track, locomotives, rolling stock and buildings (many scratchbuilt) were all sold via ebay and I now have a decent pot of cash for my new layout.


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I'm in a very similar situation to yourself - i.e. in that massed ideas struggling to get them all down stage. I'm gonna keep an eye on your updates here, I await updates :) And plus...you can't go wrong with Thomas the Tank Engine to get you into it...worked for me when I was five years old :)

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I concur - just building an N gauge layout and Thomas has been an important purchase both for myself and the next generation!

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Don't get me wrong, he (Thomas) served a purpose but it wasn't long before he was out grown and time to move on to the real stuff that we see out and about.

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Yep, know the situation all too well...lol, the kids don't seem to hold interest for long these days,which is such a shame, too many other distractions,playstation, Xbox, etc etc, to name but a few. The amount of times I've been left with unwanted baseboards, items of stock, track, etc, is unbelievable....3 times to date I think, but I've always believed in at least giving them the opportunity to try the hobby, after all..... 'new blood' an all that.


I initially started out with a small idea for a layout after getting back into the model railway scene in 2002, but by this time my son had also decided that for Christmas that year, he wanted a model train too.....from then on things just went to the wall, all that time, effort,not to mention the expense,...and then being left with all that model railway equipment, there wasn;t any real incentive to sell either,as the value of second hand items back then was pretty poor from most dealers.and is still pretty much the case I believe. unless you're really lucky.....this was well before I knew about Ebay of course, and how to use it. I'm now off in a completely new direction to what I'd intended, just to try and put to use all the expensive settrack curves,points etc...before you know it your buying this and that item, and that loco and really ending up way out your depth......But, I was only gonna build a little station terminus and goods yard with a few items of rolling stock,....what happened to that!!!


Looks like your taking the right steps anyway, an staying on 'Track' with your new ideas, should have done that Myself. But now I've sold my old layout 'Badgers Lane' and I seem,... after such along haul to be back on track, and have a couple of ideas which have been properly planned this time, and in process of construction...well, sort of lol. Seem to have ended up with way more stuff than I will ever need, or have time to use, seems we are all guilty of that one. Trouble is, always seem to have loads of ideas, but never enough time and space.... thens theres money, never enough of that though either, looking forward to seeing your new ideas and progress. Please excuse me for waffling on and on.... but I'm new on here, and still getting to grips with all the conversations and topics/blogs etc , think I'm doing this right anyway.lol, tell me if I'm on thr wrong wavelength.:rolleyes:



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