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James Hilton


I've had three models sat on Paxton Yard plank in my study for several weeks with NO progress but a surprise parcel from MG Sharp this week has spurred me back into action.

I had some brake cylinders on back order and to be honest I'd forgotten about them so when they arrived it was actually a really pleasant surprise. So this evening I carefully dug out my modelling tools and made a start on bringing 37013 up to scratch.

First up here is what the brake cylinders look like on a Bachmann 37/0 (or early revised EWS 37/4 and Transrail 37/5). Quite 'puny' and certainly not anything like the bulk of the real thing.

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So braking (pun intended!) out the Details Associates parts they instantly look more like the prototype and go together easily with just a little cleaning up of flash.

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I added the air pipes from 0.25mm brass rod - and I also took the chance to replace the original chain I had used with some finer 40 links per inch chain (also from Detail Associates - thanks Jon). The actuation arm is made from some scrap brass etch, cut to a point, threaded on and folded over - and the other end is attached to a hook that is then folded over made from 0.25mm brass rod. You can also see the knicker elastic (thank other Jon) used for the sand pipes added at BOTH ends of the bogie - the beauty of this stuff is it doesn't restrict bogie movement at all! The final touch is the foot step made from scrap stainless steel etch (I think it was from S-kits brake discs).

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So sat in Paxton Yard I think you'll agree it's worth while - I look forward to now adding some extra detailing around the fuel tanks before painting the details and blending into the existing weathering. Questions, comments and encouragment welcomed!


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Very nice James. I've done a search and not been able to locate these yet... Sharp models (?) I tried their website... no luck. Do you plan to change the middle axle one too. I'm tempted and would like to try these too. Any pointers?

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On the 37 I won't be doing the middle brake cylinder as it's hidden behind the steps but yeah on the Deltic (and 50) it would be worth doing. The ones on the Deltic aren't bad size wise, just lack the relief of a 3D part. I've dug out a link to the MG Sharp website and the direct link... http://www.mgsharp.com/Details_Associates.htm


With the Deltic project - actually these would be great on it - but you will need two sets as you only get enough for 8 in the pack (and you'd need 12). PM me if you want more info on the elastic too ;) that'd set off the end hoses, ETH connection and sanding gear!

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Thanks for the link (I couldn't find them when I searched initially :rolleyes: ), but yes, there they are. I'll poss try some of these, and some details on the elastic may be useful.. thanks.


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Hi Alex - yes it does doesn't it! As for the steps - I'm not 100% convinced by the PHD steps - I've not seen a set fitted and painted yet, when I do I may change my mind but in brass they look like they stick out a bit far when you compare them to the prototype (as my photo of 37255 at the GCR shows). I look forward to seeing posts/blogs on your progress!

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Have you narrowed the bogies on this one, James? If the steps are the correct prototype size then they will stick out a bit further than they should due to the width over the bogies.


The brake cylinders make a big difference B)

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Further progress tonight - tank detailing complete, second buffer beam detail complete (bar one pipe that's gone missing) and I've started adding the sand pipes on the second side as these are partially viewable on a 'through chassis' shot - I'm not adding the replacement cylinders to the second side as I only ever view my models from one side and I might need them if I attempt another 37 in the future! :) (or should that be 'when'! :))

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