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Links for the next chapters of the saga:

26 - Getting somewhere at last!

27 - OMG, I think it's going to work!

28 - Getting there slowly

29 - Quick bogie update

30 - More bogie progress

31 - Spring bounce

32 - A milestone moment!

33 - Doing a jig

34 - Back to life...

35 - Mocking....

36 - I dont believe it!




I decided to finish another 'quick win' task before starting on the bogies - fitting armrests to the seats included in the kit.


blogentry-6668-097549700 1289939879_thumb.jpg


The armrests are filed from 1x2mm Evergreen styrene strip, to more or less the shape and size in this picture:



Next up, bogie assembly!


Recommended Comments

I can't wait to see these finished Martin - are you going to attempt the cloth pattern and wear/splits in the fabric? ;)


PS I might have found a solution to you're 'coiled' telephone wire conundrum. When drilling into soft white plasticard with a medium speed small drill bit out came a twist of flash, perfectly coiled and very fine!! If only I could post it to you intact! It's in my parts box for now!

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