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Well that was good fun. What next?



I write this tired and happy after a successful exhibition debut at RailEx over the weekend. I'm really very pleased, and totally exhausted.


First, before I witter away, massive thanks to Kev Prince (Mr45144) who flew up from Christchurch for the weekend, got the hang of operating the layout in barely five minutes and helped keep me sane all weekend. Seriously, it would not have been nearly so fun or easy without him. Also to my wife, although she doesn't read the forum! She's put up with my stressed state and been totally helpful with useful, intelligent criticisms


I'd be lying if I said Bad Horn has operated perfectly. Temperature and atmospheric differences meant some parts didn't run as smoothly as at home, and general bumps from the public and such less-smooth running meant the delayed action of my preferred couplings was lost at times as wagons bounced apart and then back together. I need a standard H0 back to back gauge, as 00 fine standard isn't quite right, but there weren't many derailments. I got the 364 working, but it was unreliable. Luckily Kev brought up a 212, which relieved the traction shortage very nicely. I still resorted to running an out of period 220 though, but whether that was really a last resort or succumbing to temptation I don't know. Problems or not, I think Bad Horn was well received by the public. I was slightly surprised by how much some children liked it, as its really a shunting plank and there were lots of layouts with sound, lights etc, so it goes to show that received wisdom isn't always right. The biggest flattery came from the fact that a good few Germans were very complimentary about the layout (Surprising how many there were, but Wellington is full of expats), and now I'm comfortable that I can create a good sense of a time and place really quite alien to me- books and pictures are my sources.


There are a few ifs and buts regarding lessons, but the important consideration is that the layout was initially built with bits I had lying around. Any comments about what I should have used for certain aspects (mainly the track) are really null, because they aren't the things I would go out and buy!


But what now? There's a few details that I could add, and improvements I could make, but as always I just feel like moving on. Not through frustration, but through a desire to keep advancing my modelling. In the short term (ie the remainder of this year) I could finish ###### (H0e) which is gathering dust and dents in the garage at present. It needs a couple of new points and scenic work finishing. I'm tempted to use it as a test best for scratch building overhead electrification as I have a Mariazellerbahn train and it's all on one board. On the other hand, I could get it to a point at which it looks attractive, then sell it to clear the space. I'm not very satisfied with the running qualities of H0e. Beyond that, I have a desire to turn my modelling time and resources towards longer term, high standard targets. I've fallen out of love with Steinrücken, as flat top baseboards and 180o curved stations just aren't satisfying. If anything I could take the base level (ie concealed storage roads) and start a fresh scenic level, but at this point I think I'd like to move away from fictional stations and do something more fulfilling. There are two main avenues of thought in my mind at present, that of a mainline layout with a yard (I'm really not that fussed about having a station) or a full branch line with the distances between yards/industries pretty well ignored- I'd be most content running pick up freights. The latter would allow a number of self-contained layouts to be built as part of a larger whole, giving something to play with quickly which then blossoms into something approaching a system.


There are a number of other questions of era and scale, although at present H0 remains front runner for decent shunting and breadth of range (plus the fact I have a decent amount already). TT is as small as I'd go, and the 28 Oots plus a dozen type Ys I already own have potential...


Anyway. Please excuse my sleep deprived ramblings. Thanks again to Kev, it's a been a bloody good weekend mate!


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Some interesting reflections there, glad to hear that the exhibition experience on the whole was satisfying.


I can empathise with the 'what next' state of mind. I should write up something similar in my blog as I'm up to about 6 things I'd like to try next including G in the garden!

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  • RMweb Premium

hi Rich


it all seemed to be going well when I was watching, Liam liked watching. You forgot to mention the cat being knocked off the platform....



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He never stopped mentioning the cat being knocked off the platform. Very enjoyableto operate and John did manage to get every train Rich had there in the station.


PSI think you should buy that Kof, whip the decoder and sell the remains to me.


PPS Go the All Blacks - Ireland might be one to watch next year though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear your debut went well, Rich! :) I hope you'll be able to make use of the stock you assembled for Steinrücken, provided you do decide not to carry on with that one. I believe the IR set would look just fine on the mainline plus yard scenario you mentioned... ;)

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It all looked *very* professional from where I was across the aisle - sorry I couldn't come and see what you were up to properly :(

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