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Hythe Parkway - Remodelling Ideas

St. Simon




This is my first ever blog, so I hope I'm doing it right!


Since Hythe's appreance at the RMweb Members Day, it has been decided that major remodelling will take place over the October Half Term.


This will be in the form of completely changing the fiddle yard from the conventional type (A fan of sidings) to the cassette type. Remodelling of the curve in 'Hop cutting' will be relaid to make a gentler curve in the cutting, plus turning the fiddle yard entrance 'Hole' into a tunnel


I was at the Aldershot show on sunday, exhibiting 'Hinton Parva', I notice (well, Graham_muz pointed out me!) a hand painted totem with 'Hythe' on it. This will now form part of a display that will be displayed along the front of the layout, instead on the side


Well Bye for now!




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